Raspy Voices (w/ @amandacerny @eljuanpazurita #amandacerny #katjaglieson #juanpazurita )
[igp-video src=”//www.katjaglieson.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/15969815_1209380652510657_5410540606814420992_n.mp4″ poster=”https://www.katjaglieson.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/15876513_1328202320585052_5345451343811182592_n.jpg” size=”large”]
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Tagged: amandacerny juanpazurita katjaglieson
I love you sooo much
So funny!! Love this one!
Lol love this @katjaglieson @amandacerny @eljuanpazurita
Love u both
The way she said: i’m katja made laugh so hard
Ahaha i love the ending!! 4ever amanda and you too katja
Ahaha i love the ending!! 4ever amanda and you too katja
@itsnotht__ coi đi rồi cười lol
@mingthuw__ lol
ha ha thats sooooo funny katja xx
The vid freezes
“Dang it, man! That’s @KatjaGlieson ” – Basil Exposition ; “I’m sorry, Basil. she does sound sort of mannish” – Austin Danger Powers : Austin, wait until you hear @KatjaGlieson sing” – Basil Exposition
love this… I’M KATJA..
love it!
Really is me though @elliana.christine
@whitefang7 hoss what even
LoL @katjaglieson
@maff_moonch that doh make no sense
I loved it u guys are very good @katjaglieson @amandacerny
Katja, the voiceover pronounced your name wrong!! @katjaglieson
Ik! Then there’s me the bi stander wishing to be like you and look that good when sick @jade.kestel
Lmao poor katja
British accents are way cuter than raspy voice
I love these Skits!!
@avigailkramer omg u