Same Girl- Different Attitude. We cannot be quick to judge others, we never know someone else’s struggle. On the outside it seems like a typical weight loss transition. But it goes so much deeper. In Primary School, I was diagnosed by a doctor as clinically obese. Obesity was more damaging to me than just on a physical level. Overcoming the physical was the first step. My emotional and spiritual experience is something I still struggle with to this day. Low self-esteem, no confidence, sexual shame, PTSD and zero self-worth I’ve come to discover, was the underlying cause of MY obesity. Sometimes it feels like you are barely keeping your head above water. All I ever wanted to do is express myself through music and storytelling. I just want to inspire others to find their passion and pursue it with every fibre of their being. That journey is the one your soul is seeking. Through that desire, I have been on a journey of healing. Be kinder to yourself. There’s no one like you.
@katjaglieson you are perfect as you were and as you are
Wow you are beautifull person, i recognize myself so much in your words thank you
@katjaglieson I inspired you the most
WOW … Seriously ???? Ammmazing !!!
Best post I’ve seen in a while
@katjaglieson you are such an amazing and beautiful person. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
Damn. Everyday somebody like you cares enough to try and inspire me. I really appreciate how much you really care for your fans and viewers Thankyou!
Omg this is so inspirational you are such an amazing person!!! You are so beautiful inside and out!
I love you and your music!!!️️
Woow my god ! Dedication level
@katjaglieson that’s a full 360! I’m working on me now! 🙂 great job!
I liked your photos 🙂 Greetings from other side of the world
Really????? :O
Omg i hope i end up like u skinny and beautiful
@itsyourgirlchrisha same
@mirea_mallia mhmmmm
احاا !!
Wow just wow
Impressive and inspiring, @katjaglieson !
This is amazing love!! it was sooo nice meeting you! @katjaglieson
Drop dead beautiful
No wayyyyyy
I always want you to know that it is always beautiful️
@katjaglieson You were beautiful then and you are beautiful now!
Woooow . You’re amazing .
Way to go girl you look incredible!!!!
Oh mu goshhhh
Gah I love you so much. ️
Oh my …
Always beautiful ️ @katjaglieson
That’s a really touching story omg️️️
I don’t believe that is you. You are so beautiful either way I love you SO much! ️️
gmbarnya wow
Puberty happened
wow I had no idea, beautiful story.
Beautiful & inspiring thank U
@alanm38 wow!
@yazmanian.devil that’s amazing!!!
You don’t have PTSD take it easy lmao