#HavingFun at the #SocialSlamSelfieAwards can’t wait to take this baby for a ride in real life #GoCart #drive #speedway #lookout #crazydriver #BehindTheWheel #crazy #popstar #celebrity #denim #jumpsuit #vip #blonde #aussie #la #hollywood
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Tagged: lookout crazy socialslamselfieawards behindthewheel speedway vip blonde getoutoftheway popstar jumpsuit speedzone la celebrity drive crazydriver beep gocart havingfun aussie hollywood denim
#speedzone #GetOutOfTheWay #beep @speedzonela
I’m dying to see her driving it.
Amazing 🙂
Hey katja do u like black henna ink u can check it I just posted my mom henna ink that I made on her
Lets race
Too cute!
It was a pleasure meeting you! Thanks for stopping by and we hope you come racing back again real soon
Pull over! You’re under arrest for being too beautiful!
@ichosethepuglife LOL
Cheesy as all hell I know @arch_angel115 but in person when your talking over coffee face to face to her she’s gorgeous
@ichosethepuglife YEH she is gorgeous (not met her face to face though sadly)