Tell me something I don’t know…. Tagged: From Katja’s Instagram Profile
#HappyBirthday to this fun loving, positive soul. Keep brightening this world with ur beautiful smile! Love u @kaileymaurer Tagged:...
#NationalDogDay @annikasamoyed (tag a dog person) Tagged: nationaldogday From Katja’s Instagram Profile
#HAPPYBIRTHDAY to the always beautiful inside & out @lianev Tagged: happybirthday From Katja’s Instagram Profile
#HappyBirthday #USA Tagged: usa happybirthday From Katja’s Instagram Profile
#Happy4thOfJuly thank u for taking me in & allowing me to follow my dreams #independenceday Tagged: happy4thofjuly independenceday From...
#AboutLastNight I can only use “F” words~ Friends Family Fun happy birthday @amandacerny we got u!!! Tagged: aboutlastnight From...
#AboutLastNight I can only use “F” words~ Friends Family Fun happy birthday @amandacerny we got u!!! Tagged: aboutlastnight From...
️ #GirlsNight
Katja, , Photos, girlsnight, 44️ #GirlsNight Tagged: girlsnight From Katja’s Instagram Profile
Casting spells #RideTheWave Tagged: ridethewave From Katja’s Instagram Profile
Everyday is #NationalBestFriendDay … even though it was yesterday @amandacerny Tagged: nationalbestfriendday From Katja’s Instagram Profile
In a time in Hollywood where beautiful women could only portray the “sexy love interest,” you showed the world...
“Live your Life, Do your Work, Then take your Hat”- #HenryDavidThoreau Tagged: henrydavidthoreau From Katja’s Instagram Profile
Always room for more on #GirlsNight @amandacerny @fousey Tagged: girlsnight From Katja’s Instagram Profile
#SquadGoals @amandacerny @loganpaul @johannes.r.bartl @ayla_woodruff Tagged: squadgoals From Katja’s Instagram Profile
Cured my coffee addiction! I can be healthy
Katja, , Photos, ad, skinnymint, teatox, ultimateteatox, 33Cured my coffee addiction! I can be healthy & have energy! Thank you @SkinnyMintCom #SkinnyMint #TeaTox #Ultimateteatox #ad Tagged:...
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