“All I ever wanted was a Rollie Rollie”… my eyes! tell me ur #dadjokes
Tagged: dadjokes
“All I ever wanted was a Rollie Rollie”… my eyes! tell me ur #dadjokes
Tagged: dadjokes
From Katja’s Instagram Profile
#ComeThru artist cut coming tomorrow (tag 2 friends u love to dance with) Tagged: comethru From Katja’s Instagram Profile
Everyday is #NationalBestFriendDay … even though it was yesterday @amandacerny Tagged: nationalbestfriendday From Katja’s Instagram Profile
Consider things from another point of view… Tagged: From Katja’s Instagram Profile
Dance until u can’t stand up! Tag 2 bffs Tagged: From Katja’s Instagram Profile
Welcome to the Hotel California @benjackson1111 Tagged: From Katja’s Instagram Profile
Been battling with this ball of #ChristmasLights for 2 hours….. Tagged: christmaslights From Katja’s Instagram Profile
#RedCarpet for @theworldnetworks #Xmas #benefit #SoCold #RedCoat #christmas #charity Likes: Tagged: charity benefit redcarpet socold redcoat xmas christmas...
©2024 Katja Glieson
Hella cute
I was my dads joke
What’s a dad joke
I love this pic!
“I just wants some ice on my wrist so I look better when I’m dancing”
Haha you’re great! Ps I hope the beaping noise shuts off!
I think dads made tight clothes so boys couldnt get them off love ya katja
In this picture
Beep Beep Beep Beep jk