Comment the answers (ONLY, not the questions) on the YouTube video: http://katja.la/ridethewavevid   with your squad name before/after

1. When Katja’s sitting by the tree how many coins on her head?

2. The black feathers falling in the tree scene symbolize going through a spiritual initiation & growth as well as repelling negative energy & setting strong boundaries, just like the song itself (http://www.nataliakuna.com/feather-signs–colour-meanings.html). At what point (minutes & seconds) does Katja emerge as the symbolic representation of this transformation? (hint: the costume involves more black feathers!)

3. What shape appears over Katja when she emerges as the transformed and free Katja in her final costume with black feathers?

4. How many people are dancing with Katja in the rave scene?

5. What other big Katja music video were the girls in with Katja?

6. What Australian Aboriginal ceremonial meeting where Aborigines interact with the Dreamtime through dance, music and costume is the opening scene inspired by? (hint: do a google search on ‘Australian Aboriginal ceremonial meeting’)

7. In the Aboriginal bodypaint scene, Katja represents the Sun in Aboriginal Dreamtime story of creation, where the sun was a woman who emerged to give life to the universe and all of the plants and animals. The rays of light coming from her head represent that as well as the single light that appears to be the sun slowly bringing light & life to the Australian desert. The girls (children of the morning star and the moon, the ancestors of Aboriginals) play with the light as they come to life, but what are they actually holding in the scene?

8. How many times do we see the dancer Erik without his hat throughout the dance break and final dance?

9. What was the other dancer Joe wearing on his head?

10. At what point (minutes & seconds) does the Didgeridoo instrument that is featured in the song make an appearance?

11. How many total costumes/looks did Katja have?

Prize is based on not just finding the things but how big your ‘squad’ is. You are a #SPECIALAGENT SQUAD LEADER. So come up with a name for your squad, like #YOURNAMESQUAD. So the bigger your team (to help you be a better special agent) that you recruit to do the investigation, the quicker you’ll solve the investigation and win the prize. So the prize will be given to the biggest squad that finds the most items. Everyone who solves the investigation gets a shoutout on Twitter from Katja. Everyone in the winning (ie. largest) squad wins a free download of the song as well as a shoutout on twitter… and the squad leader also gets a signed Ride the wave CD and a Skype chat as well (30 min).

The goal is to get as many comments by your squad, with the correct answers, as possible.

If you don’t want to be a squad leader, you can just join a squad run by another Special Agent to help solve the investigation.

If you have squad members who don’t have time to do the investigation, just have them leave a nice comment on the video with your squad name hashtag and it will also count towards your total squad (to a lesser degree).




Facebook competition: The person who tags the most people in the comments of Katja’s share of the youtube video will get a Facebook video from Katja shouting them out and thanking them. For example, @ tagging all your friends so they watch the video. Bonus points if you tag a media outlet or verified facebook account (more than 50K followers) and you get them to re-share it. You should encourage those you tag to ‘share’ it. Tags on your own page/profile aren’t counted, only on Katja’s specific post for the Ride the Wave music video.

BONUS STRETCH GOAL: If the total shares of Katja’s post reaches 1000 or more, everyone who tagged more than 50 people will get a shoutout on facebook: Katja will post a status update thanking all of those people.


Twitter competition: The person who tags the most people in multiple ‘quote’ tweets of katja’s original tweet where she shares the video will win a video shoutout by Katja on Twitter. You can tag both your followers directly as well as anyone else you want to, including media outlets and verified accounts. Bonus points if you can get a media outlet or verified account to retweet, so you should encourage everyone to retweet Katja’s original tweet. So we can keep track, use your squad hashtag #YOURNAMESQUAD

You should also retweet any time Katja tweets the video at a media outlet to show them Special Agent power!

BONUS STRETCH GOAL: If Katja’s original tweet gets more than 1000 retweets everyone who has tagged more than 50 people will get a DM from Katja and a (text) shoutout on her twitter.


Instagram competition: The person who tags the most people in the instagram post of the trailer on Katja’s instagram will win a shoutout Instagram post on Katja’s insta. Bonus points for large accounts if they post about it on their own instagram. You must also put the link to the video in your bio link on your own instagram (katja will have it on her bio link too).

BONUS STRETCH GOAL: If the trailer on Katja’s Insta gets more than 10,000 views everyone who tagged more than 50 people will get a DM on instagram and a (text) shoutout in a Katja instagram post.


musical.ly competition. Perform and post a musical.ly to the Ride the Wave song using the hashtag #RideTheWaveChallenge and #FeatureMe. Make sure you tag @katjaglieson. Katja will pick her favorite or favorites for a prize – you’ll get an autographed Katja postcard in the mail.

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