#Temporary August 31 feat. @michaelmancusomusic
Tagged: temporary
#Temporary August 31 feat. @michaelmancusomusic
Tagged: temporary
From Katja’s Instagram Profile
My ladies out there~When u come across a funny, successful, intelligent, kind & gorgeous lady, she is not a...
Comin to ur place this Christmas Eve 🦌 LINK IN BIO!!!! (which reindeer is ur fav?) #katjaglieson Tagged: katjaglieson...
“All I ever wanted was a Rollie Rollie”… my eyes! tell me ur #dadjokes Tagged: dadjokes From Katja’s Instagram...
#LivePerformance alert! Get your tix 2nite before 10pm for only $15! ($20 after) Friday March 20 at BLVD3 6-10pm...
New song #nobrainer #comingsoon #photo @trenddefstudios @mikegonsolin Likes: Tagged: photo comingsoon nobrainer From Katja’s Instagram Profile
A still from my Christmas Medley music video! Merry Christmas! #specialagents http://youtu.be/GqaQJYj0w6o Or go to http://YouTube.com/katjaglieson or http://katjaglieson.com/christmasmedley Download here:...
©2024 Katja Glieson
Today is my birthday can you like my picture please
Damn your voice just fell for it ️
Yesssss hottie!!!!
My love
So cut
Love you