Sneaking out (tag 2 friends you would sneak out with)
Sneaking out (tag 2 friends you would sneak out with)
From Katja’s Instagram Profile
Put baby in the corner Tagged: From Katja’s Instagram Profile
“All I ever wanted was a Rollie Rollie”… my eyes! tell me ur #dadjokes Tagged: dadjokes From Katja’s Instagram...
Wanna be one of the first to watch #behindTheScenes for #LookAtUs? Make sure you sign up as a #specialagent...
#Hey #DownInFront my view of the tv ergh move!!!! Lol Likes: Tagged: hey downinfront From Katja’s Instagram Profile
Oh the weather outside is frightful… ️☃️ Likes: Tagged: From Katja’s Instagram Profile
#ComeThru in 6………..July 27 Tagged: comethru From Katja’s Instagram Profile
Taking the high road….real bitches only (Tag a real b) Tagged: From Katja’s Instagram Profile
One week after the election…. still hung over….. Likes: Tagged: From Katja’s Instagram Profile
©2024 Katja Glieson
Love you!!! Please answer @katjaglieson
First comment
Luv u
70th like
Nicee no friends…just you
Seriously !!!!
@elizabethhh.hernandez @jonahmarais
You are so beautiful
Happy birthday !
Awesome pic @katjaglieson
And amazing singer and love you
That would be @summerlovinlisa & @jessicagferrer these girls are so much fun!
You are so amazing and I love you and I wish to meet you but I don’t think i can and you are an amazing singer. Can you tell me why you chose singing and acting? Clearly you chose right:) love you️️
@katjaglieson @amandacerny @marlinlimon hold uppppp
I love uuuu
Ong love u you are so stunning happy bithday @katjaglieson
i tag my self lol !! Happy birthday idol @katjaglieson love you always!! ️ #katjator
@pinkrescue & @rabbitchops
@annikasamoyed & @mr.charliebuckets
You’re so gorgeous I cant
Hahahahhaha yassss @ablasofy